The components are as follows:
Component | Description | Why did we choose it? | Link |
RCAuth | Token Translation. Used to generate x509 certificates for access to legacy services | EU wide, sustainable infrastructure component | https://rcauth.eu |
VOMS | Attribute Authority & Membership Management. Legacy authorisation database for WLCG, must be integrated for backwards compatibility | Pre-existing. Backwards compatibility | https://italiangrid.github.io/voms/ |
CERN HR DB | Attribute Authority. CERN's source of identity vetting information | Pre-existing. Backwards compatibility | N/A |
INDIGO-IAM | One option for the proxy and membership management component | Implements multiple components, easier maintenance. Product used by other communities. | https://www.indigo-datacloud.eu/identity-and-access-management |
EGI-Check-in | The second option for the proxy and membership management component | Implements multiple components, easier maintenance. Product used by other communities. | https://www.egi.eu/services/check-in/ |
The architecture includes every component of the AARC BPA.
Videos for the AARC supported pilot for EGI-Check-in are available at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0u9d5fzuxrjyu3k/AAClKTVLpJRC5YN2kh0JlKsGa?dl=0 link
User links x509 certificate with federated credentials
Step | Screenshots |
User registers with the system using a federated account | |
User associates x509 user certificate with their account |
User submits a physics job
Step | Screenshot (TBC) |
User follows registration flow above | |
User requests token from command line (Device Code Flow) | |
User submits a job in the normal way |
Demo EGI Check-in
The various functionalities provided by EGI Check-in are available through mini demo videos. videos demonstrating the below functionalities/flows:
- Trying to add a non-WLCG experiment member into the system
- Adding a WLCG Experiment member into the system( Create the user, obtain an RCAuth certificate, register into VOMS)
- Group management
- HRDB periodic syncing
- Invite multiple people via email from an administrator's account
- SSH key authentication for RCAuth proxy retrieval
- Token exchange and device code
Visit the following link to view.