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,10h-11h, Zoom:



  • get synced , and issues resolved to continue the workkeep us on track


  • quick round-table for relevant updates, 2min max each

Discussion items

  • List of activities


  • Happy New Year to all of you!
  • Check T7 Work Items for volunteering status
    • Found interesting topics to work on? Positive feedbacks
    • How does the structuring proposal work for you? We'll start with this and see how we get along
  • Kicking off the whitepaper editing process
    • please work on the 01 - DI Whitepaper
    • direct edits or comments are welcome (we identified first topics and include them)
  • Brief review of Symposium 23 in Montpellier

Upcoming events:

  • TIIME Conference: suitable topics, but too early for a physical gathering around the meeting. 
  • EC project review (including deadlines): we want to have a first version of the whitepaper ready by then
  • TNC: we'll check out for a physical gathering to consolidate the findings we have by then in the individual work items


  • Christoph Graf: expect the zoom-link to be updated for future meetings

Action items


Prepare a draft TOC for the report and check for project dependencies

Christoph (check with Marina)

before 20 Dec '23


Set up a list of work items as discussed during the meeting (see: T7 Work Items)

Christophbefore X-mas '23Done

apply for items in the list of activities, include your estimated efforts you're willing to contribute

allinput for 1st and 2nd bi-weekly in Jan '24open

Check options for TNC side meeting for T7

Christophcalendar of TNCopen


  • Review existing services to identify opportunities and challenges to adopt the distributed technologies paradigm. Grab existing results as a start
  • Gather previous work done by the NRENs/universities on using SSI technologies, as well as other sectors. Crowd-source among ourselves