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Table of Contents

#Use this template to capture proposal for a new Incubator Activity - delete this line after using the template#


#Enter the persons who are submitter of the Activity - delete this line after using the template#


Janusz Ulanowski (enhancements from Mihály Héder, Niels van Dijk)


titleGN4-3 project team

#Enter the persons who are participating in the team that works on this Activity - delete this line after using the template#

Héder MihályKIFU / SZTAKI / IncubatorTechnical Expert
Michael SchmidtLRZ / DFN / IncubatorScrum Master
Janne LaurosCSC / GuestDeveloper Shibboleth
Marko IvančićSRCE / CARNet / GuestDeveloper SimpleSAMLphp


#Enter the persons who are internal projects or external stakeholders of this Activity - delete this line after using the template#



Davide VaghettiGARReduGAIN Service Owner

Activity overview


#Please describe the high-level goal of the incubator Activity, provide an overview of the anticipated work and needed resources and skills. Please also describe how commitment from various partners is warranted. - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>

Create a user profile page for Shibboleth IdP and SimpleSAMLphp

titleActivity goals

A user profile page deployed as part of Shibboleth IdP and SimpleSAMLphp would enable end users to gain insight into where their personal data is used and when it was last released to various services, as far as the IdP is aware. This feature should only release information to appropriate user (so after login). We need to consider how storing user data to facilitate this plugin would impact data retention policy of the IdP. We need to learn how both  IdP products currently store information on what was release towards services and how that can be made readily available.

Additional features to consider:

  • In case the IdP is also anOIDC  OP this capability may be extended to also include OIDC based interactions.
  • It should be investigated if this feature could also be used to allow users to retract consent to the release of attributes/claims
  • Integration with CAR

#Please describe the goals of Activity, including what needs to be delivered, participants, the community(ies) that require a solution. Describe when the Activity is done and how to measure the success of it, in a SMART way. - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>

Activity Details

titleTechnical details
  • Describe requirements
  • Investigate storage backend in Shibboleth IdP
  • Investigate storage backend in SSP
  • Implement storage backend
  • Design/Mock GUI components
  • Discuss UI design with community
  • Implement GUI design

#Please describe the technical details for the Activity. - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>

titleBusiness case

#What is the business case for the Activity? Who would be beneficiaries of the results of the Activity and what would potential business case look like if applicable? - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>This activity provide users with the ability to track their own login behaviour. This my enhance trust and security too.


#Are there risks that influence either the implementation of the activity or its outcomes? - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>No known risks

titleData protection & Privacy

#How do data protection and privacy impact the Activity? Think about e.g. handling of personal data of users - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>

The tool will access personal data at the IdP. However, the data will only be displayed, there will be no additional data storage.

titleDefinition of Done (DoD)

#Please describe here the set of criteria that the product must meet in order to be considered finished. - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>The activity seeks to implement a working prototype of the software.


#How are the results of the Activity intended to be used? If this requires further engagement, can you describe how you intent to sustain it? - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>If the software works as expected, it can be handed over to the developers of Shibboleth/SimpleSAMLphp

Activity Results

#Please provide pointers to completed and intermediary results of this activity - delete this line after using the template#






January 1, 2017

Kickoff meeting



October 25, 2022Public demoNiels van Dijk
December 15, 2022Final demoNiels van Dijk