Ateendees: MIro, Dubravko, Mijo, Dariusz, Maja, Tomasz, Stefan, Wenche, Paul, Marina, Reimer (for discussion on eduPKI use)
- service status overview
- slides with service status shown and discussed;
- KPIs discussed - no changes proposed
- MIdP needs promotion towards NROs; MIdP code is being used as SW by large NROs (.ch, .uk)
- how to proceed with DJNRO? offer hosted version?
- eduroam DB -
- ver 2.0.1 agreed, new format for documentation proposed
- certs provisioning and eduPKI
- last version of Certificate Policy and Certification Practice Statement of the eduPKI CA discusssed - all points clarifed, finalisation of the text to be done
- minor changes for MS and Linux installers
- MIdP
- no plans for further development; Passpoint naming issue; more promotion needed
- Managed SP
- part of the CAT code release 2.1.; naming discussed; MIdP + MSP = hosted eduroam service
- how to exchange information with eduroam DB (technically and organisationally)?
- an institution (SP/IdP) has to be added only via eduroam DB - to be implemented in steps
- audit work -
- wiki
- MIdP
- Managed SP
- diagnostics
- policy update
- - all invited to comment
- wiki - current results presented by Wenche, authors neededcerts provisioning and eduPKi