Versions Compared


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   "latitude": float number,               -->   latitude in degrees,decimal fractional minutes (note: we do not use this information  anymore, yet it cannot be empty)
   "longitude": float number,   -->   longitude in degrees,decimal fractional minutes (note: we do not use this information  anymore, yet it cannot be empty)
"altitude": float number,   -->   altitude in meters (it can be empty) 
"locationName": string, --> tested location name (can be empty)
 "testDeviceLocationDescription": string -->   describes the location of the test device
  "locationMethod": string,   -->   typical values are 'Through IP' or 'Geolocation' (note: we do not use this information  anymore, yet it cannot be empty)
 "wifiSurround": array --> list of SSIDs found
"accessPointVisibleSSIDCount": integer --> number of Wi-Fi cells with a normally visible SSID
"accessPointHiddenSSIDCount": integer --> number of Wi-Fi cells with a "hidden" SSID
"HS2Presence": string --> list of HS2.0 consortium identifers found
"channelsAvailable": string --> list of available channels / frequencies
"eduroamAuthnSuccessfuleduroamAuthnTime": float stringnumber --> time resultneeded for ofsuccessful eduroam AuthN; (true or false); -1=no success
 "ipv4TimeToAddress": float number --> time needed to get valid IPv4 address; -1=no connectivity;
"ipv6TimeToAddress": float number --> time needed to get valid IPv6 address; -1=no connectivity;
"MinimalPortSetOpen": boolean --> is minimal set of ports for eduroam SSID open? (true/false)
"ClosedPorts": string --> list of ports which should be open but are closed
"EAPTypesTest": boolean --> all EAP types supported (true/false)
"UnsupprotedEAPTypes": string --> list of unsupported EAP types
"eduroamEncription": string --> list of available encription standards
"eduroamChannelsAvailable": string --> list of available channels / frequencies for SSID eduroam
"signalQuality": string --> list with signal quality per channel
"TransparentWebProxy": boolean --> transparent proxy used (true/false)ž
"NAT": boolean --> NAT used (true/false)  
"downloadThroughput": float number,   --> download speed in KBps (note: we use one decimal digit)
   "uploadThroughput": float number,   --> upload speed in KBps (note: we use one decimal digit)
   "ipv4LocalPing": float number,   --> IPv4 ping time in ms (note: we use one decimal digit) -1 if there was no IPv4 connectivity
   "ipv6LocalPing": float number,   --> IPv6 ping time in ms (note: we use one decimal digit) -1 if there was no IPv6 connectivity
