Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. After deployment, the "My Metadata" screen is initially empty.
  2. With an "Add Role" (we might rename it if there is a better suggestion arises) button, the user can select one of the following: SAML IdP, OIDC OP, SAML SP, OIDC RP.
  3. Regardless of the selectionwhat is selected, the user can set up a Display Name and a Logo for the chosen role.
  4. If the SAML IdP role is selected, a checklist of supported entity categories will be available:
    1. Research & Scholarship
    2. Anonymous Access (v2)
    3. Pseudonymous Access (v2)
    4. Personalised Access (v2)
  5. If the SAML SP role is selected, the following settings/attributes are available:
    1. Research & Scholarship
    2. Code of Conduct


Context: If you added at least one of (SAML IdP, OIDC OP) and one of (SAML SP, OIDC RP), then you can act as a proxy. In this case, a configuration option that was previously unavailable ("grey") becomes available as 'Proxy configuration.'
In this caseHere, you can add identity and profile attribute mappings.


  • Dashboard

    • Overview of metadata management status.
    • Quick access to recent activities and common tasks.
  • Configuration
    • Configuration of the local instance unrelated not related to remote entities.
      • Attribute sources
  • Metadata Management

    • Federation-level: Interface to add/edit federation-wide metadata.
    • Individual SPs/IdPs: Interface to add/edit metadata for individual SPs/IdPs, with options for manual entry or file import.
  • Relation Management

    • Select SP/IdP: Dropdown or search functionality to select an SP/IdP.
    • Activate SP/IdP: Toggle to activate the selected SP/IdP.
    • Attribute Release Policy (SP): Options to configure REFEDs entity categories for SPs.
    • Requested Attributes (IDPIdP): Options to select requested entity categories for IdPs.
  • My Metadata

    • Display Name: Field to enter/display the name of the proxy.
    • ?Supported Entity Categories: Checklist or dropdown to select supported categories.
    • Logo: Upload functionality to add a logo.
