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Detailed timetables and routes for public transport exist from the Journey Planner:
You can plan public transportation with Google Maps.
(It is planing routes based on BKK information.)
Web: http://futar.bkk.hu/?map=13/47.501/19.053&layers=GSVB&lang=en
iOS: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=hu.webvalto.bkkfutar&hl=en
Android: https://itunes.apple.com/hu/app/bkk-fut%C3%A1r/id916193835?mt=8
Airport to Budapest
Public Transport:
The course it self is free of charge for members of the NREN community
For GN4-2 Project Members
Travel & Expenses:
Travel and accommodation funding covers participants of the GÉANT GN4-2 Project (Training Task). It is to cover reasonable costs of travel and accommodation for the purpose of attending the course.
The process is that any participant will pay for their own travel and accommodation then claim and be repaid these costs from their own NREN under their own expenses policy. The NREN in turn claims these costs in their monthly reclaim with the Reference NA1-T6 (Training Task) and the course title in the description line.
The GÉANT project is unable to pay individuals directly.
Manhours are payed by your GN4-2 task/tasks - Ask permission to your task- or activitylead for permission.
More information / organisation