Versions Compared


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This scenario empowers individual Service Providers (SPs) to internally validate their SAML service configuration, with a focus on signature usage. While it stands out as the simplest one in terms of technical requirements and legal considerations, its chances for meaningful adoption remain modest.


This scenario is applicable during SP onboarding and may involve manual or automated testing. It is initiated upon the SP's request and integrated into the onboarding procedure of the federation. Its benefits include a wider broader outreach without significant legal issues, easy enforcement and a single deployment of testing software per identity federation. It requires the availability of a web user interface.


The testing process should be allowed/sanctioned into the federation's policy and operational guidelines.

PERIODIC - Periodic testing of


SPs by FedOps

Summary description

Periodic testing is conducted by federation operators in predefined intervals aligned with the federation's policy and operational rules, ensuring ongoing compliance. This is an extension of the testing of SPs during onboarding. It requires additional SP selection and scheduling functionalities.


It requires both overviews for several or all SPs and , search/filtering a detailed view for a single one.


It is conducted by an individual client organisation to internally validate the validity of contracted SP's SAML service configuration for compliance , by internal or external auditors operating with both the organisation's and SP's approval and SP's support , if needed. However, this testing is usually done without direct involvement of the SP.
