Talk with Pal, and Mario, trying to start in January
Action: All to let Pal and Mario know their main interests - is possible to change focus from previously assigned.
In details
Pal: Policy
Main milestone due - GDRP white paper late, as law gets official late.
On SIRTFI, policy work is at REFEDS, contribute there. On workflows for coordination, work Work together with T2 Lukas, especially with Thomas (T1 policy/security and T2 performance)
Mario: Technical
Knows IdP as a Service, as subtask leader, but needs input on statistics and sirtfi technical aspects.
eduGAIN Policy (Nicole+Pal)
New in V2: penalties
Federation operaters operators need to review new GDRP
eduGAIN needs to review it as well, some federations cannot review it themselves -> GÉANT can offer help
CoCo V2: workshop was proposed, open workspace greater than GÉANT
AARC and REFEDS: Deliverables
Sirtfi: something on how AARC making requirements for how how to react on incidents, REFEDS will review and adapt at federation level. eduGAIN needs to consider the inter federation level.
Use case Orcid
first or second major incident discussed
one or two IdPs were publishing dublicated ids
-> demonstrated people's attention , coordinating effortson what works what didn't, scope for coordinating efforts
In eduGAIN
Incident response: T1 Sirtfi + T2 --> Role?Performance
eduGAIN should be active? different views on that
- poor information and overreaction
- timezone
- closed space with federation operators + orcid missing, information mismatch,
- timely? response time
- not all entities might be in Sirtfi, what with the others?
- Cirts CERTS not always at federation (or none at all) - but other bodies can respond within the process.
- eduGAIN as service -> make them pay? AH update - not the preferred mechanism. Better to aggregate and fund centrally.
Should be careful how we do it, eduGAIN does not check metadata, contact information etc., eduGAIN is not really managed
What should eduGAIN demand from federations and vice versa?
eduGAIN cannot do too much, because of money
Work with REFEDS to coordinate federation and central level response.
If we load too much onto that central function it will increase the central operational costs and the business case of this has to be considered from a cost / benefit perspective. As SIRTFI benefits campuses and SPs, it is considered this case can be made. Similar with performance.
AH/MA note - budget to extend the eduGAIN OT to support communication is ring fenced already.Sirtfi is both ways
Monitoring and Statistics (Miro)
In eduGAIN DNS domain and certificates -> official channels – but what is worthysuitable? decided by project management?Decided by PLM.
Then then operations team looks at it and decides if further checks/iprovements (e.g. security) is needed
What next?
- Sirtfi tests of timely response of provided contacts - similar for eduroam. Is in use for Trusted Introducer and can be applied.
- V4/v6 support
- log https (noClientAuthN) check
- IdP Name collision dector,
- https checks?
- certificate expire warning
- SSLLabs grade
Not all of these have equal priority - this needs to be determined.
Focus on those which are in eduGAIN BCP and support finding and fixing issues and maintaining current information.
Questions to consider - what happens when federations who are repeatedly informed of issues within their federation and do not demonstrate engagement.