Please insert or paste screenshots in or outside this table as suitable:
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Test User Verification
- Select User Verification: Discouraged and click CREATE.
- Follow the requested steps to create a passkey, then copy-paste the result from the web app.
- Select CredProtect Extension: userVerificationOptionalUVOptionaland click CREATE.
- Follow the requested steps to create a passkey, then copy-paste the result from the web app.
- Select CredProtect Extension: userVerificationOptionalWithCredentialIDListUVOptionalWithCredIDListand click CREATE.
- Follow the requested steps to create a passkey, then copy-paste the result from the web app.
- Select CredProtect Extension: userVerificationRequiredUVRequiredand click CREATE.
- Follow the requested steps to create a passkey, then copy-paste the result from the web app.
Copy-paste the result on the right: |
- If Attestation: Direct worked, select it. Otherwise, if Attestation: Indirect worked, select it, Otherwise, select Attestation: UndefinedSelect CredProtect Extension: Undefined (if not selected already).
Test cryptography
- Uncheck all the following checkboxes: Use ES256, Use ES384, Use ES512, Use RS256, Use EdDSA.
- Check Use ES256 and click CREATE.
- Follow the requested steps to create a passkey, then copy-paste the result from the web app.