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(all times in CEST)

Wednesday May 3rd

13.30Welcome and introductionsAlf Moens (GÉANT ) and Rolf Sture Normann (SIKT)
14.00Current Risk and Treat landscapeDavid Heed (SUNET)
15.30NIS2: state of affairs and how to prepareŠarūnas Gigaliūnas (LITNET) and
Vladislav Bidikov (MARnet) (
17.00 Summary of the day; evening programmeAlf Moens (GÉANT ) and Rolf Sture Normann (SIKT)

Thursday May 4rd

9.00Welcome and Coffee
9.30Security Intelligence OperationsRoderick Mooi (GÉANT, online)

"Successful Security Operations​"

Security operations should be an essential part of any organization's cyber defense. But making them work efficiently and effectively is a hard challenge. This talk shares operating models and lessons learned from over 20 years running successful security operations ourselves and helping others in their design and set up. It covers the relationships between detection and response, the importance of prevention, different ways to leverage threat intelligence and threat hunting, and how to shape constructive collaboration with IT and management.

online presentation by Christo Butcher

(Fox IT/NCC group)

11.30AI - Security Observations: CHATgptSIKT
12.30Summary, lunch and farewells

Remote participation:→ Remote participation options will be available.

  • Venue Location: 

Professor Brochs gt. 2, Trondheim
