Meeting dates location(s) number of participants (during the last months) | Focus of the meeting Important topics, themes Discussion topics Outcomes / impact impact (This should be descriptive on the content similarly to what was in the report to the GA for TNC TNCand what the meeting attendees took back to their organisation and how it has impacted their work.) | Blog link(s) | Planned future meetings Dates, locations Topics, focus | Other event presence: Name of event: URL Dates / location Participants types Presentation / session / workshop | Other comments | |
3-4 May Trondheim, Norway Expected +/- 25 participants | The increasing sophistication of cyber threats makes it imperative for higher education institutions and governmental entities to adopt effective security information management strategies. To address these concerns the SIG-ISM meeting will focus on insights and actionable strategies to keep entities aware and safe from cyber threats. Topics will focus on international collaborations to promote cyber resilience, emerging cyber threats, preparing for the NIS2 directive, and the importance of sharing agreements for cyber threat intelligence and how organizations can collaborate more effectively to respond to cyber-attacks in a coordinated manner. | https://connect.geant.org/2023/04/13/security-management-professionals-to-meet-in-trondheim-sig-ism-may-3-4-2023 | International projects and collaborations Risk and Threat landscape Preparing for NIS2 Sharing agreements for Cyber Threat Intelligence Approach to ChatGPT risks | SIG-ISM Spring Meeting Participants: open all security management professionals. Mainly NREN’s Security Management professionals (Areas of interest focused on NRENs) |