Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Setting up the WHP

There are two options for the WHP installation:

  1. Installation and configuration from the prepared WiFiMon WHP image (Installation option 1)
  2. Installation and configuration on the Raspberry Pi with already installed Raspberry Pi OS (Stretch or later) (Installation option 2)

Installation and configuration

Image RemovedImage Added

The following steps apply for both installation options. WiFiMon administrators who will use the prepared WHP image (installation option 1) should simply edit the crontab and and files as discussed in the following. WiFiMon administrators who will not use the prepared WIFiMon WHP image (installation option 2) should follow the steps 2 up to 5.

Step 1: Write the image to the micro SD card

Follow the instructions at the official Raspberry Pi site. Skip the "Download the image" step and use the WiFiMon Raspberry Pi operating system image instead (download size is approx. 3.5 GB).


We advise the WiFiMon administrator to always secure Raspberry Pi by changing the default password.

Step 2: Start the Raspberry Pi

Follow the simple steps below:


You should see a red light on the Raspberry Pi and raspberries on the monitor. The WiFiMon Hardware Probe will boot up into a graphical desktop.

Step 3: Configure the Raspberry Pi

Secure the Raspberry Pi by changing the default password. Optionally, you may enable SSH to access the command line of a Raspberry Pi remotely or setup remote desktop. Next, you have to connect to the wireless network you want to measure.


Line 2 of the crontab is related to the streaming of TWAMP measurement results to the WiFiMon Analysis Server (WAS).

Step 4: Streaming Wireless Network Interface Metrics to the WiFiMon Analysis Server (WAS)

In /home/pi, you will find the Python script The contents of the script are the following:


Code Block

import sys
import subprocess
import datetime
import requests
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
import json
import pingparsing

def return_command_output(command):
    proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, shell = True)
    (out, err) = proc.communicate()
    output = out.rstrip('\n'.encode('utf8'))
    return output

def get_mac(iface):
    command = "cat /sys/class/net/" + str(iface) + "/address"
    mac = return_command_output(command).decode('utf8')
    mac = mac.replace(":", "-")
    return mac

def find_wlan_iface_name():
    command = "printf '%s\n' /sys/class/net/*/wireless | awk -F'/' '{print $5 }'"
    wlan_iface_name = return_command_output(command)
    return wlan_iface_name.decode('utf8')

def get_encryption():
    command = "sudo wpa_cli status" + "|grep key_mgmt" + "|awk -F '\=' {'print $2'}"
    enc = return_command_output(command).decode('utf8')
    return enc

def parse_iwconfig(iface):
    bit_rate = return_command_output("sudo iwconfig " + iface + " | grep Bit | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/Rate=//'").decode('utf8')
    tx_power = return_command_output("sudo iwconfig " + iface + " | grep Bit | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/Tx-Power=//'").decode('utf8')
    link_quality = return_command_output("sudo iwconfig " + iface + " | grep Link | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/Quality=//'").decode('utf8')
    link_quality = link_quality.split("/")[0]
    signal_level = return_command_output("sudo iwconfig " + iface + " | grep Link | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/level=//'").decode('utf8')
    accesspoint = return_command_output("sudo iwconfig " + iface + " | grep Mode | awk '{print $6}' | sed 's/Point: //'").decode('utf8')
    accesspoint = accesspoint.replace(":", "-")
    essid = return_command_output("sudo iwconfig " + iface + " | grep ESSID | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/ESSID://'").decode('utf8')
    essid = essid.replace("\"", "")
    return bit_rate, tx_power, link_quality, signal_level, accesspoint, essid

def parse_iwlist(iface, accesspoint):
    information = {}
    command = "sudo iwlist " + iface + " scan | grep -E \"Cell|Frequency|Quality|ESSID\""
    aps = return_command_output(command).decode("utf8")
    aps = aps.split("\n")

    cell_indices = list()
    for index in range(0, len(aps)):
        line_no_whitespace = ' '.join(aps[index].split())
        parts = line_no_whitespace.split()
        if parts[0] == "Cell":

    for index in cell_indices:
        line0 = ' '.join(aps[index].split())
        ap_mac = line0.split()[-1]
        ap_mac = ap_mac.replace(":", "-")
        information[ap_mac] = {}
        line1 = ' '.join(aps[index + 1].split())
        frequency = line1.split()[0].split(":")[1]
        information[ap_mac]["frequency"] = str(frequency)
        line2 = ' '.join(aps[index + 2].split())
        parts = line2.split()
        information[ap_mac]["drillTest"] = float(parts[2].split("=")[1])
        line3 = ' '.join(aps[index + 3].split())
        parts = line3.split(":")
        information[ap_mac][str(parts[1].replace('"', ''))] = information[ap_mac]["drillTest"]

    return information

def convert_info_to_json(accesspoint, essid, mac, enc, bit_rate, tx_power, link_quality, signal_level, probe_no, information, location_name, test_device_location_description, nat_network, system_dictionary, number_of_users, pingparser_result):
    overall_dictionary = {}
    # values from ping received through pingparser github tool
    overall_dictionary["wts"] = str(pingparser_result["destination"])
    packet_transmit = int(float(pingparser_result["packet_transmit"]))
    overall_dictionary["pingPacketTransmit"] = str(packet_transmit)
    packet_receive = int(float(pingparser_result["packet_receive"]))
    overall_dictionary["pingPacketReceive"] = str(packet_receive)
    packet_loss_rate = int(float(pingparser_result["packet_loss_rate"]))
    overall_dictionary["pingPacketLossRate"] = str(packet_loss_rate)
    packet_loss_count = int(float(pingparser_result["packet_loss_count"]))
    overall_dictionary["pingPacketLossCount"] = str(packet_loss_count)
        rtt_min = int(float(pingparser_result["rtt_min"]))
        rtt_avg = int(float(pingparser_result["rtt_avg"]))
        rtt_max = int(float(pingparser_result["rtt_max"]))
        rtt_mdev = int(float(pingparser_result["rtt_mdev"]))
        packet_duplicate_rate = int(float(pingparser_result["packet_duplicate_rate"]))
        packet_duplicate_count = int(float(pingparser_result["packet_duplicate_count"]))
        # -1 indicates failure to reach the wts and calculate the above values
        rtt_min = -1
        rtt_avg = -1
        rtt_max = -1
        rtt_mdev = -1
        packet_duplicate_rate = -1
        packet_duplicate_count = -1
    overall_dictionary["pingRttMin"] = str(rtt_min)
    overall_dictionary["pingRttAvg"] = str(rtt_avg)
    overall_dictionary["pingRttMax"] = str(rtt_max)
    overall_dictionary["pingRttMdev"] = str(rtt_mdev)
    overall_dictionary["pingPacketDuplicateRate"] = str(packet_duplicate_rate)
    overall_dictionary["pingPacketDuplicateCount"] = str(packet_duplicate_count)
    # values from iw* commands
    overall_dictionary["macAddress"] = "\"" + str(mac) + "\""
    overall_dictionary["accesspointencType"] = "\"" + str(accesspointenc) + "\""
    overall_dictionary["essidaccesspoint"] = "\"" + str(accesspoint) + "\""
    overall_dictionary["essid"] = "\"" + str(essid) + "\""
    bit_rate = int(float(bit_rate))
    overall_dictionary["bitRate"] = str(bit_rate)
    tx_power = int(float(tx_power))
    overall_dictionary["txPower"] = str(tx_power)
    link_quality = int(float(link_quality))
    overall_dictionary["linkQuality"] = str(link_quality)
    signal_level = int(float(signal_level))
    overall_dictionary["signalLevel"] = str(signal_level)
    overall_dictionary["probeNo"] = str(probe_no)
    information = json.dumps(information)
    overall_dictionary["monitor"] = information
    # values defined by administrator
    overall_dictionary["locationName"] = "\"" + str(location_name) + "\""
    overall_dictionary["testDeviceLocationDescription"] = "\"" + str(test_device_location_description) + "\""
    overall_dictionary["nat"] = "\"" + str(nat_network) + "\""
    # values received through arp-scan command
    overall_dictionary["numberOfUsers"] = "\"" + str(number_of_users) + "\""
    system_dictionary = json.dumps(system_dictionary)
    # values received from system commands (memory, cpu, disk)
    overall_dictionary["system"] = system_dictionary
    json_data = json.dumps(overall_dictionary)
    return json_data

def processing_info():
    command = '''echo "$(iostat | head -1 | awk '{print $1}')"'''
    operating_system = return_command_output(command).decode('utf8')
    command = '''echo "$(iostat | head -1 | awk '{print $2}')"'''
    driver_version = return_command_output(command).decode('utf8')
    command = '''echo "$(iostat | head -1 | awk '{print $6}' | cut -c 2-)"'''
    total_cores = return_command_output(command).decode('utf8')
    command = '''echo "$(vmstat 1 2|tail -1|awk '{print $15}')"'''
    cpu_utilization = 100 - int(return_command_output(command).decode('utf8'))
    command = '''echo "$(vmstat --stats | grep 'total memory' | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}')"'''
    total_memory = return_command_output(command).decode('utf8')
    command = '''echo "$(vmstat --stats | grep 'used memory' | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}')"'''
    used_memory = return_command_output(command).decode('utf8')
    command = '''echo "$(df -h / | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}')"'''
    total_disk_size = return_command_output(command).decode('utf8')
    command = '''echo "$(df -h / | tail -1 | awk '{print $3}')"'''
    used_disk_size = return_command_output(command).decode('utf8')

    system_dictionary = {}
    system_dictionary["operatingSystem"] = str(operating_system)
    system_dictionary["driverVersion"] = str(driver_version)
    system_dictionary["totalCores"] = str(total_cores) 
    system_dictionary["cpuUtilization"] = str(cpu_utilization)
    system_dictionary["totalMemory"] = str(total_memory) 
    system_dictionary["usedMemory"] = str(used_memory)
    system_dictionary["totalDiskSize"] = str(total_disk_size) 
    system_dictionary["usedDiskSize"] = str(used_disk_size)

    return system_dictionary

def stream_data(data):
    headers = {'content-type':"application/json"}
        session = requests.Session()
        session.verify = False'https://INSERT_WAS_FQDN:443/wifimon/probes/', data=data, headers=headers, timeout=30)

def parse_arpscan(result):
    lines = result.split("\n")
    space_line = lines.index('')
    return space_line

def arpscanner():
    command = "sudo arp-scan --localnet"
    arpscan_result = return_command_output(command).decode('utf8')
    number_of_users = parse_arpscan(arpscan_result)
    return number_of_users

def pingparser(wts):
    command  # See: 'ping -c 10 ' + str(wts)
    ping_parserresults = pingparsing.PingParsing(return_command_output(command).decode('utf8')
    transmitterping_parts = pingparsingping_results.PingTransmittersplit("\n")

    transmitter.destination = str(wts)
    transmitter.count = 3
    result =
    result_json = json.dumps(ping_parser.parse(result).as_dict(), indent=4)for item in ping_parts:
        if item[0:3] == "---":
            start_parsing_from = 1 + ping_parts.index(item)

    packets_part = ping_parts[start_parsing_from].split(",")
    packet_transmit = int(packets_part[0].split(" ")[0], 10)
    packet_receive = int(packets_part[1].split(" ")[1], 10)
    packet_loss_count = packet_transmit - packet_receive
    packet_loss_rate = packet_loss_count / packet_transmit

    timing_part = ping_parts[start_parsing_from + 1].split("=")[1]
    timing_part_no_whitespace = timing_part[1:]
    timing_without_unit = timing_part_no_whitespace.split(" ")[0]
    times = timing_without_unit.split("/")
    rtt_max = times[0]
    rtt_min = times[1]
    rtt_avg = times[2]
    rtt_mdev = times[3]

    # unused values
    packet_duplicate_count = -1
    packet_duplicate_rate = -1

    # construct a dict to hold the results
    result_dict = {}
    result_dict["destination"] = wts
    result_dict["packet_transmit"] = packet_transmit
    result_dict["packet_receive"] = packet_receive
    result_dict["packet_loss_count"] = packet_loss_count
    result_dict["packet_loss_rate"] = packet_loss_rate
    result_dict["rtt_max"] = rtt_max
    result_dict["rtt_min"] = rtt_min
    result_dict["rtt_avg"] = rtt_avg
    result_dict["rtt_mdev"] = rtt_mdev
    result_dict["packet_duplicate_count"] = packet_duplicate_count
    result_dict["packet_duplicate_rate"] = json.loads(result_json)packet_duplicate_rate

    return result_dict

def set_location_information():
    location_name = "INSERT_LOCATION_NAME"
    test_device_location_description = "INSERT_TEST_DEVICE_LOCATION_DESCRIPTION"
    nat_network = "INSERT_True_OR_False"
    return location_name, test_device_location_description, nat_network

def general_info():
    system_dictionary = processing_info()
    location_name, test_device_location_description, nat_network = set_location_information()
    iface_name = find_wlan_iface_name()
    mac = get_mac(iface_name)
    enc = get_encryption()
    bit_rate, tx_power, link_quality, signal_level, accesspoint, essid = parse_iwconfig(iface_name)
    information = parse_iwlist(iface_name, accesspoint)
    probe_no = "INSERT_PROBE_NUMBER"
    wts = "INSERT_WTS_FQDN"
    number_of_users = arpscanner()
    pingparser_result = pingparser(wts)
    json_data = convert_info_to_json(accesspoint, essid, mac, enc, bit_rate, tx_power, link_quality, signal_level, probe_no, information, location_name, test_device_location_description, nat_network, system_dictionary, number_of_users, pingparser_result)

if __name__ == "__main__":


sudo apt install -y systat

Step 5: Streaming TWAMP Measurement Results to the WiFiMon Analysis Server (WAS)

In /home/pi, you will find the Python script The contents of the script are the following:


sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y ntpstat

Security Issues

Image RemovedImage Added

We suggest that you take additional efforts to safeguard the security of your probes:
