import sys
import subprocess
import datetime
import requests
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
import json
import pingparsing
def return_command_output(command):
proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, shell = True)
(out, err) = proc.communicate()
output = out.rstrip('\n'.encode('utf8'))
return output
def get_mac(iface):
command = "cat /sys/class/net/" + str(iface) + "/address"
mac = return_command_output(command).decode('utf8')
mac = mac.replace(":", "-")
return mac
def find_wlan_iface_name():
command = "printf '%s\n' /sys/class/net/*/wireless | awk -F'/' '{print $5 }'"
wlan_iface_name = return_command_output(command)
return wlan_iface_name.decode('utf8')
def parse_iwconfig(iface):
bit_rate = return_command_output("sudo iwconfig " + iface + " | grep Bit | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/Rate=//'").decode('utf8')
tx_power = return_command_output("sudo iwconfig " + iface + " | grep Bit | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/Tx-Power=//'").decode('utf8')
link_quality = return_command_output("sudo iwconfig " + iface + " | grep Link | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/Quality=//'").decode('utf8')
link_quality = link_quality.split("/")[0]
signal_level = return_command_output("sudo iwconfig " + iface + " | grep Link | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/level=//'").decode('utf8')
accesspoint = return_command_output("sudo iwconfig " + iface + " | grep Mode | awk '{print $6}' | sed 's/Point: //'").decode('utf8')
accesspoint = accesspoint.replace(":", "-")
essid = return_command_output("sudo iwconfig " + iface + " | grep ESSID | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/ESSID://'").decode('utf8')
essid = essid.replace("\"", "")
return bit_rate, tx_power, link_quality, signal_level, accesspoint, essid
def parse_iwlist(iface, accesspoint):
information = {}
command = "sudo iwlist " + iface + " scan | grep -E \"Cell|Frequency|Quality|ESSID\""
aps = return_command_output(command).decode("utf8")
aps = aps.split("\n")
cell_indices = list()
for index in range(0, len(aps)):
line_no_whitespace = ' '.join(aps[index].split())
parts = line_no_whitespace.split()
if parts[0] == "Cell":
for index in cell_indices:
line0 = ' '.join(aps[index].split())
ap_mac = line0.split()[-1]
ap_mac = ap_mac.replace(":", "-")
information[ap_mac] = {}
line1 = ' '.join(aps[index + 1].split())
frequency = line1.split()[0].split(":")[1]
information[ap_mac]["frequency"] = str(frequency)
line2 = ' '.join(aps[index + 2].split())
parts = line2.split()
information[ap_mac]["drillTest"] = float(parts[2].split("=")[1])
line3 = ' '.join(aps[index + 3].split())
parts = line3.split(":")
information[ap_mac][str(parts[1].replace('"', ''))] = information[ap_mac]["drillTest"]
return information
def convert_info_to_json(accesspoint, essid, mac, bit_rate, tx_power, link_quality, signal_level, probe_no, information, location_name, test_device_location_description, nat_network, system_dictionary, number_of_users, pingparser_result):
overall_dictionary = {}
# values from ping received through pingparser github tool
overall_dictionary["wts"] = str(pingparser_result["destination"])
packet_transmit = int(float(pingparser_result["packet_transmit"]))
overall_dictionary["pingPacketTransmit"] = str(packet_transmit)
packet_receive = int(float(pingparser_result["packet_receive"]))
overall_dictionary["pingPacketReceive"] = str(packet_receive)
packet_loss_rate = int(float(pingparser_result["packet_loss_rate"]))
overall_dictionary["pingPacketLossRate"] = str(packet_loss_rate)
packet_loss_count = int(float(pingparser_result["packet_loss_count"]))
overall_dictionary["pingPacketLossCount"] = str(packet_loss_count)
rtt_min = int(float(pingparser_result["rtt_min"]))
rtt_avg = int(float(pingparser_result["rtt_avg"]))
rtt_max = int(float(pingparser_result["rtt_max"]))
rtt_mdev = int(float(pingparser_result["rtt_mdev"]))
packet_duplicate_rate = int(float(pingparser_result["packet_duplicate_rate"]))
packet_duplicate_count = int(float(pingparser_result["packet_duplicate_count"]))
# -1 indicates failure to reach the wts and calculate the above values
rtt_min = -1
rtt_avg = -1
rtt_max = -1
rtt_mdev = -1
packet_duplicate_rate = -1
packet_duplicate_count = -1
overall_dictionary["pingRttMin"] = str(rtt_min)
overall_dictionary["pingRttAvg"] = str(rtt_avg)
overall_dictionary["pingRttMax"] = str(rtt_max)
overall_dictionary["pingRttMdev"] = str(rtt_mdev)
overall_dictionary["pingPacketDuplicateRate"] = str(packet_duplicate_rate)
overall_dictionary["pingPacketDuplicateCount"] = str(packet_duplicate_count)
# values from iw* commands
overall_dictionary["macAddress"] = "\"" + str(mac) + "\""
overall_dictionary["accesspoint"] = "\"" + str(accesspoint) + "\""
overall_dictionary["essid"] = "\"" + str(essid) + "\""
bit_rate = int(float(bit_rate))
overall_dictionary["bitRate"] = str(bit_rate)
tx_power = int(float(tx_power))
overall_dictionary["txPower"] = str(tx_power)
link_quality = int(float(link_quality))
overall_dictionary["linkQuality"] = str(link_quality)
signal_level = int(float(signal_level))
overall_dictionary["signalLevel"] = str(signal_level)
overall_dictionary["probeNo"] = str(probe_no)
information = json.dumps(information)
overall_dictionary["monitor"] = information
# values defined by administrator
overall_dictionary["locationName"] = "\"" + str(location_name) + "\""
overall_dictionary["testDeviceLocationDescription"] = "\"" + str(test_device_location_description) + "\""
overall_dictionary["nat"] = "\"" + str(nat_network) + "\""
# values received through arp-scan command
overall_dictionary["numberOfUsers"] = "\"" + str(number_of_users) + "\""
system_dictionary = json.dumps(system_dictionary)
# values received from system commands (memory, cpu, disk)
overall_dictionary["system"] = system_dictionary
json_data = json.dumps(overall_dictionary)
return json_data
def processing_info():
command = '''echo "$(iostat | head -1 | awk '{print $1}')"'''
operating_system = return_command_output(command).decode('utf8')
command = '''echo "$(iostat | head -1 | awk '{print $2}')"'''
driver_version = return_command_output(command).decode('utf8')
command = '''echo "$(iostat | head -1 | awk '{print $6}' | cut -c 2-)"'''
total_cores = return_command_output(command).decode('utf8')
command = '''echo "$(vmstat 1 2|tail -1|awk '{print $15}')"'''
cpu_utilization = 100 - int(return_command_output(command).decode('utf8'))
command = '''echo "$(vmstat --stats | grep 'total memory' | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}')"'''
total_memory = return_command_output(command).decode('utf8')
command = '''echo "$(vmstat --stats | grep 'used memory' | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}')"'''
used_memory = return_command_output(command).decode('utf8')
command = '''echo "$(df -h / | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}')"'''
total_disk_size = return_command_output(command).decode('utf8')
command = '''echo "$(df -h / | tail -1 | awk '{print $3}')"'''
used_disk_size = return_command_output(command).decode('utf8')
system_dictionary = {}
system_dictionary["operatingSystem"] = str(operating_system)
system_dictionary["driverVersion"] = str(driver_version)
system_dictionary["totalCores"] = str(total_cores)
system_dictionary["cpuUtilization"] = str(cpu_utilization)
system_dictionary["totalMemory"] = str(total_memory)
system_dictionary["usedMemory"] = str(used_memory)
system_dictionary["totalDiskSize"] = str(total_disk_size)
system_dictionary["usedDiskSize"] = str(used_disk_size)
return system_dictionary
def stream_data(data):
headers = {'content-type':"application/json"}
session = requests.Session()
session.verify = False
session.post(url='https://INSERT_WAS_FQDN:443/wifimon/probes/', data=data, headers=headers, timeout=30)
def parse_arpscan(result):
lines = result.split("\n")
space_line = lines.index('')
return space_line
def arpscanner():
command = "sudo arp-scan --localnet"
arpscan_result = return_command_output(command).decode('utf8')
number_of_users = parse_arpscan(arpscan_result)
return number_of_users
def pingparser(wts):
# See: https://github.com/thombashi/pingparsing
ping_parser = pingparsing.PingParsing()
transmitter = pingparsing.PingTransmitter()
transmitter.destination = str(wts)
transmitter.count = 3
result = transmitter.ping()
result_json = json.dumps(ping_parser.parse(result).as_dict(), indent=4)
result_dict = json.loads(result_json)
return result_dict
def set_location_information():
location_name = "INSERT_LOCATION_NAME"
test_device_location_description = "INSERT_TEST_DEVICE_LOCATION_DESCRIPTION"
nat_network = "INSERT_True_OR_False"
return location_name, test_device_location_description, nat_network
def general_info():
system_dictionary = processing_info()
location_name, test_device_location_description, nat_network = set_location_information()
iface_name = find_wlan_iface_name()
mac = get_mac(iface_name)
bit_rate, tx_power, link_quality, signal_level, accesspoint, essid = parse_iwconfig(iface_name)
information = parse_iwlist(iface_name, accesspoint)
number_of_users = arpscanner()
pingparser_result = pingparser(wts)
json_data = convert_info_to_json(accesspoint, essid, mac, bit_rate, tx_power, link_quality, signal_level, probe_no, information, location_name, test_device_location_description, nat_network, system_dictionary, number_of_users, pingparser_result)
if __name__ == "__main__":
general_info() |