Sample twping output (MIND THE NAMING OF THE LINES)
line 0: --- twping statistics from []:9706 to []:19642 ---
line 1: SID: c0a80102e5e36a42b8a73f74cec8780e
line 2: first: 2022-03-21T23:18:58.819
line 3: last: 2022-03-21T23:19:10.456
line 4: 100 sent, 0 lost (0.000%), 0 send duplicates, 0 reflect duplicates
line 5: round-trip time min/median/max = 0.109/0.3/1.07 ms, (err=3.8 ms)
line 6: send time min/median/max = 936/936/936 ms, (err=1.9 ms)
line 7: reflect time min/median/max = -936/-936/-935 ms, (err=1.9 ms)
line 8: reflector processing time min/max = 0.00191/0.021 ms
line 9: two-way jitter = 0.1 ms (P95-P50)
line 10: send jitter = 0.1 ms (P95-P50)
line 11: reflect jitter = 0 ms (P95-P50)
line 12: send hops = 0 (consistently)
line 13:reflect hops = 0 (consistently)
import subprocess
import json
import requests
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
def return_command_output(command):
Execute a command and return its output
proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, shell = True)
(out, err) = proc.communicate()
output = out.rstrip('\n'.encode('utf8'))
return output
def perform_twping(twamp_server_ip):
Perform the twping command and retrieve its output in milliseconds
command = "twping " + str(twamp_server_ip) + " -n m"
twping_results = return_command_output(command).decode('utf8')
return twping_results
def locate_twping_data(twping_output):
Find the line at which the important part of the twping output starts
twping_output_parts = twping_output.split('\n')
line_to_start = 0
for line in twping_output_parts:
initial_three_chars = line[0:3]
if initial_three_chars == "---":
line_to_start += 1
return line_to_start
# Parse lines one by one. Look at the top for the numbering of the lines
def parse_line1(line1):
parts = line1.split("\t")
sid = parts[1]
return sid
def parse_line4(line4):
parts = line4.split(" ")
sent, lost, send_dups, reflect_dups = parts[0], parts[2], parts[5], parts[8]
return sent, lost, send_dups, reflect_dups
def parse_times(line):
parts = line.split(" ")
min_median_max = parts[4].split("/")
minimum, median, maximum = min_median_max[0], min_median_max[1], min_median_max[2]
err = parts[6].split("=")[1]
return minimum, median, maximum, err
def parse_line8(line):
parts = line.split(" ")
time_unit = parts[-1]
minimum = parts[-2].split("/")[0]
maximum = parts[-2].split("/")[1]
return minimum, maximum
def parse_jitter(line):
parts = line.split(" ")
value = parts[3]
characterization = parts[5][1:-1]
return value, characterization
def parse_hops(line):
parts = line.split(" ")
value = parts[3]
characterization = parts[4][1:-1]
return value, characterization
def parse_ntpstat_line_0(line):
line_parts = line.split(" ")
ntp_server = line_parts[4]
ntp_server = ntp_server[1:-1]
stratum = line_parts = line_parts[7]
return ntp_server, stratum
def parse_ntpstat_line_1(line):
line_parts = line.split(" ")
while line_parts[0] == "":
line_parts = line_parts[1:]
value = line_parts[4]
unit = line_parts[5]
time_correct = str(value) + " " + str(unit)
return time_correct
def parse_ntpstat():
command = "ntpstat"
ntpstat_output = return_command_output(command).decode('utf8')
ntpstat_output_lines = ntpstat_output.split('\n')
line_0 = ntpstat_output_lines[0]
ntp_server, stratum = parse_ntpstat_line_0(line_0)
line_1 = ntpstat_output_lines[1]
time_correct = parse_ntpstat_line_1(line_1)
return (ntp_server, stratum, time_correct)
def parse_ntpq_starred_line(line):
line_parts = line.split(" ")
while True:
except ValueError:
return line_parts
def parse_ntpq():
command = "ntpq -pn"
ntpq_output = return_command_output(command).decode('utf8')
ntpq_output_lines = ntpq_output.split('\n')
for line in ntpq_output_lines:
if line[0] == "*":
ntpq_result = parse_ntpq_starred_line(line[1:])
return ntpq_result
def form_json(probe_number, twamp_server, sid, sent, lost, send_dups, reflect_dups,
min_rtt, median_rtt, max_rtt, err_rtt, min_send, median_send, max_send,
err_send, min_reflect, median_reflect, max_reflect, err_reflect,
min_reflector_processing_time, max_reflector_processing_time,
two_way_jitter_value, two_way_jitter_char, send_jitter_value, send_jitter_char,
reflect_jitter_value, reflect_jitter_char, send_hops_value, send_hops_char,
reflect_hops_value, reflect_hops_char, ntp_server_ntpstat, stratum, time_correct,
ntp_server_ntpq, delay_ntpq, offset_ntpq, jitter_ntpq):
Create a json object with the parsed values. Values are first stored in a dictionary.
overall_dictionary = {}
# TWAMP-related data
overall_dictionary["probeNumber"] = probe_number
overall_dictionary["twampServer"] = twamp_server
overall_dictionary["sid"] = sid
overall_dictionary["sent"] = sent
overall_dictionary["lost"] = lost
overall_dictionary["sendDups"] = send_dups
overall_dictionary["reflectDups"] = reflect_dups
overall_dictionary["minRtt"] = min_rtt
overall_dictionary["medianRtt"] = median_rtt
overall_dictionary["maxRtt"] = max_rtt
overall_dictionary["errRtt"] = err_rtt
overall_dictionary["minSend"] = min_send
overall_dictionary["medianSend"] = median_send
overall_dictionary["maxSend"] = max_send
overall_dictionary["errSend"] = err_send
overall_dictionary["minReflect"] = min_reflect
overall_dictionary["medianReflect"] = median_reflect
overall_dictionary["maxReflect"] = max_reflect
overall_dictionary["errReflect"] = err_reflect
overall_dictionary["minReflectorProcessingTime"] = min_reflector_processing_time
overall_dictionary["maxReflectorProcessingTime"] = max_reflector_processing_time
overall_dictionary["twoWayJitterValue"] = two_way_jitter_value
overall_dictionary["twoWayJitterChar"] = two_way_jitter_char
overall_dictionary["sendJitterValue"] = send_jitter_value
overall_dictionary["sendJitterChar"] = send_jitter_char
overall_dictionary["reflectJitterValue"] = reflect_jitter_value
overall_dictionary["reflectJitterChar"] = reflect_jitter_char
overall_dictionary["sendHopsValue"] = send_hops_value
overall_dictionary["sendHopsChar"] = send_hops_char
overall_dictionary["reflectHopsValue"] = reflect_hops_value
overall_dictionary["reflectHopsChar"] = reflect_hops_char
# NTP-related data
overall_dictionary["ntpServerNtpstat"] = "\"" + str(ntp_server_ntpstat) + "\""
overall_dictionary["stratum"] = stratum
overall_dictionary["timeCorrect"] = time_correct
overall_dictionary["ntpServerNtpq"] = "\"" + str(ntp_server_ntpq) + "\""
overall_dictionary["delayNtpq"] = delay_ntpq
overall_dictionary["offsetNtpq"] = offset_ntpq
overall_dictionary["jitterNtpq"] = jitter_ntpq
json_data = json.dumps(overall_dictionary)
return json_data
def parse_twping_and_ntp(twping_output, line_to_start, probe_number):
Parse twping output line by line
twping_output_parts = twping_output.split('\n')
sid = parse_line1(twping_output_parts[line_to_start + 1])
sent, lost, send_dups, reflect_dups = parse_line4(twping_output_parts[line_to_start + 4])
min_rtt, median_rtt, max_rtt, err_rtt = parse_times(twping_output_parts[line_to_start + 5])
min_send, median_send, max_send, err_send = parse_times(twping_output_parts[line_to_start + 6])
min_reflect, median_reflect, max_reflect, err_reflect = parse_times(twping_output_parts[line_to_start + 7])
min_reflector_processing_time, max_reflector_processing_time = parse_line8(twping_output_parts[line_to_start +8])
two_way_jitter_value, two_way_jitter_char = parse_jitter(twping_output_parts[line_to_start + 9])
send_jitter_value, send_jitter_char = parse_jitter(twping_output_parts[line_to_start + 10])
reflect_jitter_value, reflect_jitter_char = parse_jitter(twping_output_parts[line_to_start + 11])
send_hops_value, send_hops_char = parse_hops(twping_output_parts[line_to_start + 12])
reflect_hops_value, reflect_hops_char = parse_hops(twping_output_parts[line_to_start + 13])
# parse ntpq and ntpstat commands
ntp_server_ntpstat, stratum, time_correct = parse_ntpstat()
ntpq_result = parse_ntpq()
ntp_server_ntpq = ntpq_result[0]
delay_ntpq = ntpq_result[7]
offset_ntpq = ntpq_result[8]
jitter_ntpq = ntpq_result[9]
# form json data
json_data = form_json(probe_number, twamp_server, sid, sent, lost, send_dups, reflect_dups,
min_rtt, median_rtt, max_rtt, err_rtt, min_send, median_send, max_send, err_send,
min_reflect, median_reflect, max_reflect, err_reflect, min_reflector_processing_time,
max_reflector_processing_time, two_way_jitter_value, two_way_jitter_char,
send_jitter_value, send_jitter_char, reflect_jitter_value, reflect_jitter_char,
send_hops_value, send_hops_char, reflect_hops_value, reflect_hops_char,
ntp_server_ntpstat, stratum, time_correct, ntp_server_ntpq, delay_ntpq,
offset_ntpq, jitter_ntpq)
return json_data
def stream_data(json_data):
Stream JSON data to the WiFiMon Analysis Server
Set the FQDN of the WiFiMon Analysis Server
headers = {'content-type' : "application/json"}
session = requests.Session()
session.verify = False
session.post(url = 'https://INSERT_WAS_FQDN_OR_IP:443/wifimon/twamp/', data = json_data, headers = headers, timeout = 30)
return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Define the number of the WiFiMon Hardware Probe
# Define the IP address of the TWAMP Server
twping_results = perform_twping(twamp_server)
line_to_start = locate_twping_data(twping_results)
json_data = parse_twping_and_ntp(twping_results, line_to_start, PROBE_NO)
stream_data(json_data) |