├── Federations
│ └── <FED-CODE>
│ ├── Delegates
│ └── Operators
├── eduGAIN-OT
├── eduGAIN-Secretariat
└── eduGAIN-SG
The eduGAIN Service Owner has management rights on the eduGAIN VO.
The members of the eduGAIN-OT group and eduGAIN-Secretariat groups have management rights on the Federations and the eduGAIN-SG groups.
The eduGAIN Service Owner can invite or remove members from the eduGAIN-OT group and eduGAIN-Secretariat groups.
The eduGAIN Service Owner and the eduGAIN-OT and eduGAIN-Secretariat members can invite and remove users from Federation:<FED-CODE>:Delegates groups.
The members of the Delegates group of a Federation have management rights on the Operators group of their Federation. They can invite and remove users from the Operators group of their Federation
The membership to the eduGAIN-SG group is managed by eduTEAMS and includes all the users who are members of a Delegates group. When a user is added or removed from a Delegates group, this will be automatically reflected in the eduGAIN-SG group.