Title | DescriptionDeas |
Offering | DANTE World Service (DWS) provides commodity IP access, offering NRENs access to the wider, commercial Internet. It is ideal for NRENs who wish to take advantage of the competitive costs, those who do not wish to organise an individual connection to an ISP or those who are keen to add diversity to their existing commodity IP access. |
Reason to | GWS allows NRENs to access commodity Internet traffic either through a direct connection to a DWS Internet Service Provider (ISP) or indirectly through their GÉANT IP port. In both cases there is a single bandwidth contract between DANTE and the ISP, meaning that bulk-buying power often brings lower prices than might be available to an individual NREN locally. |
Customer Experience | As GÉANT's remit is to provide capacity for research and education traffic, GWS is not subsidised by EC funding and where possible GÉANT arranges a direct interconnection between the contracted ISP and the NREN, thus leaving the GÉANT port free for non-commercial traffic. NRENs can select from two ISPs: Cogent and Level-3 |
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