Current Bandwidth (GPs) | Upgraded BandwidthUpu | Default upgrade option No additional cost to the upgraded subscription | Alternative upgrade option Additional cost to the upgraded subscription |
10 | Up to and including 50G | Up to 4 additional 10G ports | 1 x 100G |
20 | Up to and including 50G | Up to 4 additional 10G ports | 1 x 100G |
30 | Up to and including 50G | Up to 4 additional 10G ports | 1 x 100G |
40 | Up to and including 50G | 1 additional 10G ports | 1 x 100G |
50 | Up to and including 100G | 1 x 100G ports | n/a |
60 | Up to and including 100G | 1 x 100G ports | n/a |
70 | Up to and including 100G | 1 x 100G ports | n/a |
80 | Up to and including 100G | 1 x 100G ports | n/a |
90 | Up to and including 100G |
The GÉANT IP access is inclusive of all the required interfaces on the IP equipment (unless a non-standard delivery option is required). An annual cost for the service is calculated annually by the GÉANT Cost Sharing Model. For the current version of the Cost Sharing Model, please see the Partner Portal https://partner.geant.net.
The GÉANT IP Service provides NREN access to the GÉANT IP Service, as well as to other GÉANT services, such as GÉANT Plus and GÉANT L3VPN. See https://partner.geant.net/Pages/Home.aspx for more information on those services.
Charges may apply to backhaul a backup circuit to a neighbouring PoP to increase the resilience required to reach 99.999% service availability.
A one-off charge applies for the backhaul of a backup circuit.
- 10G: €7500
- 100G: €104 000
- An additional €1000 per interface installation fee
Please note that all prices are quoted before the European Commission rebate.
For more information or questions, please email partner-relations@geant.net.