- technical.edugain.org.
- concept
- responsibilities
- plan
- design
- FaaS federation user area in technical.edugain.org
- Constitution changes, MRPS and Metadata/Attribute Profile.
- Wiki and documentation.
eduGAIN town hall agenda.- Testing tools, where next? IdP testing report?
- Long term how to do this kind of integration into technical.edugain.org better
- Federation Maturity Reports.
SAML Testing tool comparison
eduGAIN map will be SVG not based on Google Map.
Higino to answer to Tomasz and deliver additional versions of the map
eduGAIN.org - technical and user subsections
Create a site for edugain.org that is the service portal for eduGAIN -
Technical implementation - Tomasz, higino to report to Tomasz in this context.
Principle of working - rapid prototyping between design and technical implementation.
Design -
Mimic look, feel and navigation of GÉANT site but with specialist focussed technical eduGAIN info.
Principle of working - rapid prototyping between design and technical implementation.
Common info on initial site - map, participating federations, entity list., wiki
If a tool is in production as an official edugain supported tool in the portal, it migrates to the eduGAIN OT, Tomasz.
Migration - make code available.
Ops - dev teams run test versions, push to git when ready, then Tomasz pull.
CoCo monitor - check if this can be migrated to Torun. Need code.
Access Check - to be migrated.
Action items
- Nicole Harris Send info on BCP for Townhall discussion
- Brook send eduGAIN Downhill agenda 09:00
- Brook and Tomasz test all mailing lists on
- Brook provide and maintain the list of applications permitted access to DB, inc. maps, CoCo monitor etc.
- Brook to make project plan for edugain.org