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Dates: 26-28 October, 2015, Location: Plovdiv, Bulgaria 
Contact: Michalprzy@ <gmail



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Table of Contents


  • Campus Best Practice website
  • Announcement mailing list
  • Eventr 

Plovdiv, BulgariaImage Removed

Aim of the workshop



The workshop aims to present


the latest developments and best practices in campus and NREN-related technologies for the research community of Balcan countries & to contribute to the development of short-term service strategy for BREN.




The broad workshop programme has been developed in order to reflect the latest trends in campus and NRENs services development. Dedicated workshop sessions will cover the following topics:


GÉANT services
eduGain and eduroam as the enablers for wide access to research resources and “stay online” solution.

Best practices in physical infrastructure for WiFi access in campus networks

Best practices in users account management and authentication

  • University of Strasbourg solution
  • UNINETT’s edu-ID as the successful solution for centralized electronic identification of research users in Sweden
  • A case study of edu-ID – access to scientific libraries in Sweden
Best practices in users account management and authentication 
The latest developments in video services
  • This whole session organized by NORDUNET specialists will cover the history, present and future video services deployed in Nordic countries. Presentations will address all important issues including: organizational spects, financial model and cost effectiveness, interoperability with legacy systems. Topics like H.323, Skype for Business, AdobeConnect will be discussed and WebRTC solutions as the next gen service will be covered in detail
Cyber security
  • This session will feature several tasks, from re-iteration of basic security principles, through the tutorial on protecting campus valuable assets to detailed cloud-security discussion. Final talk in this session will present the strategy for cyber-security in Bulgaria.
  • CERT services
  • One of the sessions will be fully dedicated to CERT services in several countries of the region. The session is intended as the platform for exchange of experiences in organization and operations of CERTs in countries of the region.
Round table on BREN’s short term service strategy
  • A round table on service strategy for Bulgarian research community will close the event. The experts and the stakeholders will discuss draft plan of service implementation strategy for Bulgaria and provide the recommendations for the future activities.



The workshop is planned for up to 60 participants. Workshop admittance is at “first come first served” basis.Since this is G4 event, GN4 partners may apply for travel funding to their activity leaders. 



The exact venue of the workshop will be announced by 1st October 2015. The organizer will block-book rooms for participants in the hotel, which will serve also as the meeting place, therefore the registration is required as soon as possible.


Register here




Register now

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