- Moving forward with STORK / eduGAIN integration trials - what are the next steps? Strategy for moving toward eIDAS? (STORK completion in July / August).
- FedLab - what do people want from it as a service? Conformance testing suite for edugain? edugain "readiness" - pick up on conversations previously on the edugain / refeds mailing list around what constitutes "readiness". One central focus for edugain type tools (coco monitor, R&S monitor, entity information etc).
Expected Outputs?
- Complete work to demonstrate the basic technical interoperability against the two usescases defined in GN3+ for STORK and eduGAIN.
- Consult with eduGAIN and STORK communities on the models proposed.
- Build on work at GRNET and CESNET to investigate future sustainability models in the eIDAS context.