This account can be later deleted from the WiFiMon GUI (after step 5). However, an ADMIN account should always be present in order to access the WiFiMon GUI and manage the WiFiMon Users, Access Points and Subnets. We strongly suggest that the password is changed from the WiFiMon GUI when the installation is complete (step 5).
Anchorjava java
3. Java Installation
java | |
java |
Notably, "cluster.initial_master_nodes" must be commented out after the first initialization of the Elasticsearch cluster. The above configuration assumes that the setup includes a single Elasticsearch node. Configuration for more advanced setups is available in the following WiFiMon guide "Streaming Logs Into ELK Cluster".
Anchorkibana_configure kibana_configure
Kibana Configuration
kibana_configure | |
kibana_configure |
In the sequel, we will secure the ELK stack using the X-Pack Elastic Stack extension and self-signed certificates. This section follows the complementary guide "Streaming Logs Into ELK Cluster" that is included in the WiFiMon documentation and mainly focuses on what configuration is needed regarding interfacing X-Pack with the WiFiMon code and the Secure Process and UI property files. Notably, the complementary guide "Streaming Logs Into ELK Cluster" details more advanced setups, e.g. multi-node clusters. However, in this section we focus on explaining the configuration required for a single-node setup.