- Australian Access Federation (AAF)
- UK Federation
- eduId.hu
- RoEduNetID
Attendees (xx)
- Terry Smith (AAF)
- Casper Dreef (GÉANT)
- Tomasz Wolniewicz (PIONEER.id)
- Donald Coetzee (SAFIRE)
- Davide Vaghetti (IDEM)
- Nicole Harris (GÉANT)
- Halil Adem (GRNET)
- Guy Halse (SAFIRE)
- Mario Reale (GÉANT)
- Pål Axelsson (SWAMID)
- Valentin Pocotilenco (LEAF)
- Janos Mohacsi (eduId.hu)
- Maja Górecka-Wolniewicz (PIONEER.id)
- Claudio Chacon (Minga)
- Rhys Smith (UK Federation)
- Raja Visvanathan (INFED)
- Sten Aus (TAAT)
- Valeriu Vraciu (RoEduNetID)
- Barbara Monticini (IDEM)
- Licia Florio (GÉANT)
Apologies (xx)
- Wolfgang Pempe (DFN)
- Jiri Borik (eduID.cz)
- Jani Heikkinen (Haka)
Notes (Draft)
Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Agreement
The Chair welcomed everyone to the September 2020 meeting.
Membership Updates and Joining
FENIX voting will be send out during the meeting.
MATE (Argentina) and CAFMoz (Mozambique) are now suspended.
Joining, auditing and freshness of eduGAIN data
General problems identified:
- Problems with contacts (staff changes)
- 'How eduGAIN works' (documentation updates/changes)
- How do we know a Federation has the technical capacity?
- Declining participation in T&I groups
Terry pointed out that AAF is experiencing the same problems at Federation level. To insure everybody is still compliant AAF runs a yearly compliance audit.
Davide agreed that auditing would be very interesting.
Tomasz explained that their also seem to be problems with tools, like the mail server. Automation would help
Terry shared AAF's compliance process with the SG: https://aaf.edu.au/subscribe/compliance.html
Rhys pointed out that a compliance audit would be useful, but will lead to fall-out due to not participating members. UK Federation would be in favour of having an anual audit.
Pål asked if a policy update would be required. He also supported the idea of having an eduGAIN audit. Vote of confidence could be used to suspend members.
There was general support for an audit. The Secretariat will be working on a process. Input is very welcome.
Support / Security/ Operations team update
Davide provided an update on the eduGAIN teams. Because of the summer holidays the Support Team only had 3 reactive and 1 proactive ticket. The Support Team has also worked on the support documentation: eduGAIN support. Some staff changes will occur in the near future, but the team is properly staffed.
The Security Team has started to collect all security contacts from Federations that hadn't provide a contact yet. The team developed the Security Incident Response Handbook. The team together with SIRTFI is lookig at the feedback and results will be presented at the next SG meeting at the latest.
Baseline expectations preliminary results
REFEDS Baseline WG: https://wiki.refeds.org/display/GROUPS/Baseline+Expectations+Working+Group
Current work: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u0XuvPRFKH5RaDEcgdp3jyfgNZbWAR4Q1yl0GzNkCro/edit?usp=sharing
Pål asked the SG: 'How to proceed?'. The baseline is very high-level. The next thing is the federation technology side. How? Should we use the eG SAML profile or a new document?
It was advised to update the current SAML profile. The OT will be crucial for final implementation.
Davide: brief analysis of the gap between the current status and the baseline.
Future SG Meetings
Town Hall
Any other business, Summary and Actions
The eduGAIN Connectivity Check tool has been updated. SSL check and scoring under development.