Versions Compared


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  • SP owner sends email from the admin or technical contact published in its metadata. Email needs to state: 
    • The integration SP wishes to use: Limited/Standard/Advanced
    • entityID of the SP they wish to register
    • Acceptance of the ToS
    • (Whether SP opts-in to be published in SA website as using the SA) - we can just require this but needs to be added to ToS-we also want to publish this to metadata
    • Whether SP wishes to be added to the SA communication channels - Slack SA general channel, the users mailing list, SA status notification... 
  • ??? some form for populating airtable - populate table from some kind of web form ..and how to extract informaiton. ..also if there are any risks with using airtable without payed licence
  • Which email and who is looking to that and on which schedule ? What is the response time we want to establish for this? For the sake of this process, lets call this the job of the Level 1 support. 
  • L1 support records the registration, that includes: 
    • Record the request in Airtable or something alikeDo we want them to prove they own the domain? or is it enough of they send request from official email
    • L1 support checks if the SP is published in any of the metadata that SA consumes 
    • If the requested integration is advanced, then the request is forwarded to the SA xx team. Wait until the SA xx team has approved the integration and then continue...Update the Airtable
      • SA xx team validates that advanced integration is approved: proof that they are following ToS, UX validation  
    • Record the integration in the website, if opted in (can we use airtable automatically for this?)
    • Add them to the communication channels if opted-in


  • SP admin uses curl call that is described in documentation. Shibboleth SP key is used to sign a message that is then sent to the API server.
  • API server checks if the SP is registered by checking a list of the entity-IDs that is prepared based on the Airtable (check if this is possible) ?     - use api to fetch data from airtable and pixiedust the MD 
  • API server responds with JSON and key ?
  • SP should place the key in the environment variable or in the file - documentation for this to be provided. 
