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Activity overview
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A secure, persistent and privacy preserving link shortener for research and education Link shorteners reduce a lengthy URL on the internet to something short and snappy, and sometimes easy to remember. As such it is a very well used and liked functionality within our community. Many ‘free’ link shorteners exist, however, their free nature comes with a number of challenges, including:
Next to these practices, some more general challenges exist with link shorteners, which are especially challenging for our sector:
Taking into account the above considerations, SURF developed a new service called “edu.nl”. Grown out of a ‘Friday afternoon’ project, the edu.nl link shortener service was launched in The Netherlands in Oct 2019 to see its popular rise sharply in the two first months after it was moved from being a SURF staff only service to become a broadly available community service. Figure 1 shows some of the user statistics over the past few months. Since its launch over XXX k links were registered. Figure 1: edu.nl usage in The Netherlands This incubator project seeks to enhance the capabilities of the existing edu.nl codebase and make them ready for purpose to deliver a service that could be operated for the benefit of the GÉANT community as a whole, branded as the eduLNK service. The software supporting edu.nl will be made available to the GÉANT community by SURF for the purpose of this project. The eduLNK service should offers a free to use service for end users in our community to resolve and mitigate some of the aforementioned issues:
For institutions in the GÉANT community, eduLNK offers additional capabilities:
The features marked with a * are currently not yet supported in the software developed by SURF. This incubator activity will add these and contribute them back to the software project. At the same time the incubator will work with the relevant work packages in the GEANT project to establish who such a service could be offered to the community most efficiently. #Please describe the high-level goal of the incubator Activity, provide an overview of the anticipated work and needed resources and skills. Please also describe how commitment from various partners is warranted. - delete this line after using the template# <Enter here> |
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#Please describe the goals of Activity, including what needs to be delivered, participants, the community(ies) that require a solution. Describe when the Activity is done and how to measure the success of it, in a SMART way. - delete this line after using the template# <Enter here> |
Date | Activity | Owner | Minutes | January 1, 2017|
Kickoff meeting | ||||