Issues and questions about eduGAIN services or tools
Please email support@edugain.org. We will usually be able to answer your question directly. Occasionally we will signpost you to the appropriate contact. The services and tools include:
- eduGAIN Metadata Distribution Service
- and core infrastructure
Proactive Support
The quality of eduGAIN as an infrastructure depends strongly on the service quality of its member federations. The eduGAIN Support Team provides proactive support to reduce errors in eduGAIN metadata, and notify federation operators about real or potential problems with their entities. This helps ensure that IdPs and SPs in eduGAIN are configured and operated properly, which improves the overall service quality of eduGAIN. This work is done in close collaboration with the eduGAIN Operations Team and service owners.
We use several analytic and survey tools, in addition to the checking tools listed above, and we monitor other checking frameworks, such as the UK federation's metadata import filter.