Infrastructure for open learning materials supports the mutual sharing of educational material by students and teachers. The infrastructure consists of various parts:
Educational repositories for storage and sharing of open learning materials. It is not necessary to store learning materials in one repository. Institutions can organize their own educational repository.
A harvester for the collection and search of learning materials. A prerequisite for making it searchable is that all linked repositories comply with national and international standards, such as NL-LOM and OAI-PMH, and that the learning materials are provided with metadata that systematically describe the learning materials.
A search portal for open learning materials. To be able to search in the various repositories of universities and colleges, and to search for other national and international collections, a search portal is needed. A search portal can enable the assessment of high quality learning materials that are suitable for reuse.
Integration with the digital learning environment. An open API enables integration with digital learning environments of higher education institutions, so that teachers are able to find or share open learning materials through their own development or learning environment.
Integration infrastructure
An integration infrastructure is the provision of information (data, processes, tools and services) that makes it possible to exchange data between applications. An integration infrastructure can allow a collection of separate systems to function as a single system. We distinguish between visual integration, data integration and system integration.