- Ask Google to give 5 min wrap-up of the day (4 March) to GÉANT (Kate) DONE!
- Prepare timing and interactive discussions with 3 scenarios for cloud strategy (to find solutions in the groups at the workshop) (Darko, Maria) DONE!
- Confirm all coffee break and lunch times with Elena (Darko) - 4 March times were changed due to MSMS DONE!
- Print out the list of participants to get signatures (Darko/Eva) Waiting for final list of participants
- Confirm with speakers about timing - Slavko, Eva, Mary, Jiri (Darko) DONE!
- Ask all T4 people to make notes (IF they aren't presenting or moderating a discussion) (Darko)
- Confirm with Elena any needed material for the discussions (Darko) DONE!
- Arrange dinner on 5 March 19:00 (Darko/Eva) DONE!
- confirm NREN who will do the billing and claim the costscosts DONE!
- book the restaurantrestaurant DONE!
- create MS Form to pre-confirm menus for the restaurant (incl allergies & intolerencies) DONE!
- Forward allergies info also to the restaurant on 4tn4tn
- Inform Daniel Bacelic from AWS about it
- Create a feedback form on MS Forms (Darko, Eva) EVA working on it
- Create a blog post on the cloud website under 'news' after the event (https://clouds.geant.org/news/) (Audrey/Karl)
- Ask AWS to give 5 min for introduction to the day (5 March) (Darko) DONE!
4 March 2020
Start time 9:00