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Topics that will be covered:

  • CS3 (and eduTEAMS).
  • OpenStacksOpenStack
  • Sync ‘n Share
  • SaaS
  • Infrastructure


TimePresentationPresenter / Slides

Arrival, coffee, welcome, introduction

GRNET: migrating from Okeanos to OpenStacksOpenStackTBD

Moving from ESFRI VREs towards eInfra providers to supply them with building blocks (auth, data movement, metadata management, etc)Maciej Brezniak

When it becomes economical to move away from single node based “sysadmin operations” to cloudified orchestration?TBD


TimePresentationPresenter / Slides

Arrival, coffee

Future of EOSC and remaining H2020 open calls

Hendrik Ike

Update from one of the h2020 projects on cloudy stuff – e.g., Archiver, Extreme-datacloud, ESCAPECERN
Track: CS3

Update on cs3mesh4eosc CS3MESH4EOSC status and progressGuido Aben

WS: eduTEAMSChristos Kannelopoulos
