- OLA Michael Schmidt Casper Dreef
- Service Owners are very busy
- There is little sense in creating an OLA for each and every service component, especially if they have mostly the same requirements
- We should create an organizational OLA first, which applies to all GÈANT services without a specific OLA in place. Doing so we won't need an OLA for each service component.
- We can use this basis OLA to discuss with the service owners. This way they have to argue why they have higher requirements then defined in the organizational OLA.
- DPA priba@carnetVlado Pribolšan
- Ana Alves is leaving and we don't know about a replacement. A person responsible is important for further coordination.
- Is there an existing DPA or do we have to start from scratch? Necessary to know how to proceed
- GDPR priba@carnetVlado Pribolšan
- GDPR dashboard moved
- Content is continually updated
- Old location: https://wiki.geant.org/x/uI2EBQ
- New location: https://wiki.geant.org/x/qvZgBw
- Who is the replacement for Ana Alves? Casper Dreef → During her maternaty leave (starting from 12 July) Ana will be replaced by Magdalena Rzaca (GÉANT). Ana will make sure Magdalena knows about our activities.
- Schedule meeting with Casper to discuss the basic OLA Michael Schmidt