Versions Compared


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InformationDescriptionExamplestored in/mapped to (internally)
Technical contact
  • authentication issues
  • security issues
  • privacy issues
Support contact

"Generic" support questions for the actual service

  • how does it work

Usually the application administrators or the teams that run it.

Service name

Very short name to be shown in user interfaces.

GÉANT Wikiname (en)
Service description

Longer descriptive text, for instance with details like:

  • intended audience
  • its status (production, testing)
  • when it was set up
  • the software type/version it runs

Can contain URLs

Atlassian Confluence wiki, production instance.description (en)
Service URLThe actual URL to the main servicehttps://wiki.geant.orgurl (en)
MetadataValid SAML2.0 metadata

a URL to the XML metadata (preferred), or an XML metadata file.


The SAML proxy will always provide the following attributes to its downstream services:

FIXME: Do we send OID only? Or OID+name?

SAML attributeexample valueremarks
uidfederated-user-1234Unique user ID, always available.
mailuser@domainDefaults to the string 'invalid_email_needs_updating' if none was provided by the upstream IdP
displayNameRobert WagnerDefaults to the string 'first_name last_name' or similar if bit aren't provided by the upstream IdP
  • GN_Services:GN Project Participants

  • GN4Phase3:WPs:WP9

  • GN4Phase1:SAs:GN4-1_SA3-T4

Multivalued attribute listing the CAMS group memberships.
