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The intention is to collect SP communities' needs for the Level of Assurance (LoA) of the identity and authentication provided by research Home Organisations i.e. the universities or other institutes employing the researchers and assigning them user identities.

1. Questions on the research infrastructures/communities

Who are your end users (who need to log in to your services):

  • researchers with a Home Organisation (that operates or potentially operates an IdP)
  • citizen scientists
  •  students with a Home Organisation (that operates or potentially operates an IdP)
  • else/what?

2.How important it is for you that...

Identity concept

  • all account belongs to an individual person (i.e. there are no shared accounts like "libraryuser1")?
  • and all users are traceable (i.e. the home organization knows and can reach him/her)?
  • and Home Organisation is willing to collaborate with you if their user misbehaves?
  • that you (as an SP) can block him/her from your services?


  • the home organization has a documented identity vetting process (whatever it is)?
  • the identity vetting process is face-to-face or (presenting a government photo-ID) or equivalent?

On-line authentication


  • attribute population; which attributes the Home Organisation populates for users
  • attribute release; which attributes the Home Organisation is willing to release 


Communitites to target this survey to

  • EGI (DavidG)
  • wLCG (Romain).
  • PRACE (Jules Wolfrat)HBP (question)
  • DARIAH  - Peter G or GWDG
  • CLARIN - Martin Matthiesen
  • ELIXIR - Tommi Nyronen
  • Photon/Neutron/Umbrella - Mirjam
  • Libraries (Melanie?)
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