This task deals with the pilot activities to be set up for AARC in the domain of Guest Identities; It will mostly liaise with the AARC architecture and the AARC policy harmonisation activities in order to effectively demonstrate the validity of the selected components and architecture designed, and the best practices and recommendations identified.
- "Long tail of Science" - subtask TSA1.1.1 -->. This subtask deals with bridging the NREN world towards Social and Governmental IDs, using LoA-enhancing mechanisms to enable them to make use of Federated Services (SPs) - status: in preperation.
- "Catch-all Federation and Guest IDP / Cloud IDP" - subtask TSA1.1.2 --> 2 This subtask deals with the enrollment of new IDs in a federated model: Create a catch-all Federation for IDPs without a reference federation; Provide new IDP through the Cloud. - status: not started
- "Libraries pilot" - subtask TSA1.1.3 --> This subtask deals with piloting the inclusion of library tools (including those handling access based on IP-addresses) and a workflow into a federated model for identity management, with support for Library Walk-In users (e.g. citizen scientists) which are not registered in the Campuses IDM systems. - status: nearly completed