This task consists of several subtasks with different activities:
- "Long tail of Science" subtask - subtask TSA1.1.1 --> This subtask deals with bridging the NREN world towards Social and Governmental IDs, using LoA-enhancing mechanisms to enable them to make use of Federated Services (SPs)
- "Catch-all Federation and Guest IDP / Cloud IDP" - subtask TSA1.1.2 --> This subtask deals with the enrollment of new IDs in a federated model: Create a catch-all Federation for IDPs without a reference federation; Provide new IDP through the Cloud.
- "Libraries pilot" - subtask TSA1.1.3 --> This subtask deals with piloting the inclusion of library tools (including those handling access based on IP-addresses) and a workflow into a federated model for identity management, with support for Library Walk-In users (e.g. citizen scientists) which are not registered in the Campuses IDM systems.