Jean Carlo (CAFé) two big initiatives. Implementation of SIRTFI and focused on the first institution working by end of the year. Developing a roadmap for 2019 and moving the use of federated auth and updating UX/UI to improve design. BReduPerson schema update and adoption of ORCID. Working on improving the deployment of their tools and collaborating with IDEM.
Lukas (SWITCH) relevant updates from SWITCHaai is that they'll soon publish new MDRP document based on REFEDS template.
Chris asked that since OpenID Connect wasn't touched on during the call and that there is a way to promote OIDC via membership of the Open ID Foundation. Davide said that the mailing list and group will be setup shortly and people should move there for focus on this. Chris stated that there is the OIDCre group within REFEDS is a useful initial group. The community and interlectual property rules are different in this space. Davide said that Open ID Foundation isn't significantly different than OASIS.