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To make a yearly plan:
The CISO should make his own plan, implement it in the company,  check internal (f.i. business) external (f.i. law) changes, check compliancy and make a plan for the next year to implement findings out of the evaluation.  

Establish an ISMS

what's needed to be planned is; 

  • what will be done
  • what resources will be required
  • who will be responsible
  • when it will be completed
  • how the results will be evaluated (art. 6.2 of ISO. 27.001)

1.1 Security Activities

ActivityReasonResultDateReference to Security goals in the ISMS

Status(In progress/ completed)

Implement IDSsee an increase of attacksEarly warning of an attack2 august 2018Goal nr. 2 to detect and react and mitigate security attacksIn progress

1.2 Plan for Risk assessment


Status(In progress/ not completed)*

AccountingLogical Acces11 November 2017Planned

1.3 Awareness and Security training


Status(In progress/ not completed)

AllHow to detect phishing4 October 2017Completed

1.4 Internal Audit


(In progress/ not completed
Department/roleTrainingDateType of AuditDue date


H.R.Questionaire18 april 2018Planned

1.5 Annual management report

Due date for reportDue date for management review


30th november 201714th december 2017In progress

Establish an ISMS

what's needed to be planned is; 

  • what will be done
  • what resources will be required
  • who will be responsible
  • when it will be completed
  • how the results will be evaluated (art. 6.2 of ISO. 27.001)

Implement an ISMS

Run your ISMS


To put in: Security by Design - What to look at when you have a new product or service run.



Planned -

In progress -

Completed -

Cancelled -