Payment is provided by DocData and the code to communicate to the DocData PSP can be found in the file:
- Insert the new product into the database with a simple SQL statement:
Replace the values with the values that you received from the person requesting the product.
INSERT into products (product_name, unit_price, tax_rate, deadline, quantifiable, prereg_only) values ('TRANSITS I, 22-24 Nov 2017, Prague, nc, na', 925, 21, '2017-12-12 00:00:00', 'f', 't'); - Check if products have been inserted and get their respective id's
: select * from products order by inserted desc;
- Send email to requester with ids
If an event is hosted in Prague (or anywhere else not in NL) you need to include a custom invoice. To do this, check the file /usr/local/share/php/Webshop/Invoice.class.php and edit the file /usr/local/share/php/Webshop/Order.php and add your respective product Ids to the method in question. So for Prague, the method HasCsirt needs to include the product_ids of products in Prague.