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GÉANT Staff: Nicole Harris, Klaas Wierenga (remote), Gyöngyi Horváth

Apologies: Diego Lopez (possibly remote).


09:30 - 09:45Arrival / connect / "can you hear me now" / coffee   
09:45 - 10:00

Item 1: Approval of Minutes of the tenth GCC, call for AOB


Members are requested to APPROVE the minutes of the 10th GCC meeting, subject to any proposed changes.

Member are invited to propose any AOB for the meeting.

Members are invited to DISCUSS progress on the Open Actions for the GCC. 

Open Actions

Minutes of the 10th Meeting
10:00 - 11:00Item 2: Proposals arising
from Task Forces and SIGS
NicoleMembers will be invited to assess the current Task Forces and Special Interest Groups against the criteria developed at the last meeting and RECOMMEND next actions for each group. 

Task Force Work Items


Reviewing or Exiting a GCP Activity

11:00 - 11:20Coffee breakAll

11:20 - 12:30Item 3: Proposals arising from Workshops and small projectsNicole / Klaas

Update on Members will be invited to DISCUSS updates given on the GCC small projects: CLAW, Network Performing Arts Workshop and SIG-NOC training Update on the proposal for the Vietsch foundationand REVIEW and DISCUSS a proposal on working together with the Vietsch Foundation.

Verbal Update
12:00 - 12:30Item 4: Portfolio of TFs and SIGs and eventsKlaas / Valter / Gyöngyi

Generally discuss the current portfolio and representation at events.

GN4-3 planning of resources, manpowerMembers will be presented with the work allocation for TFs and SIGs in GN4-3 and be invited to DISCUSS application to the current GCP work portfolio.
Verbal Update
12:30 - 13:30LUNCH

13:30 - 14:00Item 5: TNC19NicoleFollow up on the planning of space to organise Task Force and SIG meetings and other side events at TNC19

Members will be given an update on allocation of side meeting spaces at TNC19 and its impact on Community Programme events.  Members will be invited to DISCUSS and PROPOSE improvements to the proposals.

TNC Side Meeting Proposal Verbal Update
14:00 - 14:30Item 6: GÉANT Community Programme Comms UpdateGyöngyi / Silvie

Discussing the outreach of the currently used communication channels. How do we make the GA aware of the issues discussed during TFs and SIGs.

Insight Portal (Sylvie) - providing NRENs insight in their own activities, for example.

Verbal Update
14:30 - 15:00Item 7: Round table updates GCC membersAllOpportunity for the GCC members to

Members will be invited to give updates: talk about issues that they are currently engaged in, ideas that they have, things that might be bothering them, any other thoughts!

Verbal Updates
15:00 - 15:15Coffee breakAll

15:15 - 16:00Item 8: NGI_Trust proposalLicia (or check Annabel)Briefing on

Members will be presented with the proposal for the NGI_Trust

proposal for privacy enhancing technologies, that consists of a set of open calls for innovation projects

project and be invited to DISCUSS and PROPOSE ways in which the GCC can support this initiative.

16:00 - 16:15Item 9: NRENs and educationGyöngyiIntroduction of the new educational activities planned for the GÉANT community.Verbal update
16:15 - 16:35

Item 10: GCC matters

GCC / GPPC joint meeting

Next GA contribution for 21/22 of November

GCC membership update


At TNC we had a joint GCC/GPPC meeting where we agreed on booking a new meeting before next TNC.

List of current members

Verbal update
16:35 - 17:00

Item 11: Proposals for Next Meeting and AOB

8.1 AOB

8.2 Dates for 2019

ValterPlaceholder if time permits (Klaas)Verbal update
