This meeting will start early, for those who can make it (9h30 instead of 10h)




(move your name to the appropriate category above)


  • get synced and issues resolved to keep us on track

Discussion items

  • review of open Action items
  • Infoshare on "Distributed Identities": 14h-15h30
    • link and registration page (initial draft version)
      • Christos: fine with agenda outline
      • Davide: on vacation
      • Stefan: feedback outstanding
      • Niels: maybe too much? Decision after timing is known leaving some room for discussion. Incubator we keep in our sleeves.
      • Discussion:
        • Incubator might be too much, keep it higher level (concepts and strategy)
        • We can put tech stuff on the agenda of a separate meeting some time later
    • Review of first raw version of intro slides: T7 Infoshare - Intro outline.pptx
    • Review and refinement of agenda outline
      • Comments from Marina: 
        • decide on the common terminology we are using - perhaps distributed identites are driving blockchain context that we dont want to. Marina will make a prpoposal
        • perhaps soften the narrative on the "red flags" - use perhaps "open questions, unknowns, risks"
        • Missing is to paint a bigger political image of EU agenda - the eidas 2.0. ARF, implementing acts, the pilot projects that are intersectorial and where we particiapte in education usecase 
        • Missing is also to paint what we have been doing in the GEANT project and by the GEANT community in other projects 
        • For the risks slide - say this is what we have produced
  • postponed to after vacation time: Proposal Reviewing/releasing T7 Work Items


Upcoming events:

  • T7 Infoshare,  14h-15h30

Action items


Fill out the individual expert risk assessment input


end of Augustopen

Review the Infoshare agenda and outline



Attachments referenced

  File Modified
PDF File 20240521 Sammelband Bildung Einleitung CG.pdf Aug 27, 2024 by Christoph Graf
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 20240827 T7 Risk Assessment v1.3.xlsx Aug 30, 2024 by Christoph Graf
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation T7 Infoshare - Intro outline.pptx Aug 30, 2024 by Christoph Graf